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REO Asset Management


REAL DEAL BROKERS also handles Real Estate Owned (REO) property servicing. We conduct Broker Price Opinions as well as Bank Owned Property preservation and Disposition. Our team is comprised of an efficient and effective network of professionals that will work closely with your designated counsel to facilitates a smooth asset disposition.

Our pre-marketing services starts with an on-time Occupancy Check. Additional serving includes Cash for Keys, Entry Rekey, Thorough Trashout, Winterizations, Interior Cleaning, Lawn and Exterior maintenance, Regular Property Inspections (Wireless cameras provided for some properties).

Marketing is a specialty for us! We have a constant waiting list in our network of investors and owner-occupied buyers. Once an asset is assigned to us, a strategic marketing plan is developed based on the type and condition of the asset. Aside from the regular “tools of the trade” signs, lockboxes, MLS membership, contract forms, we utilize a comprehensive software system designed to handle REO assets. Our lockboxes are electronic and trackable, including the contractors’ lockboxes – we know who enter and when they leave. Additionally, we are very aware of the value of the internet and how it has changed the way real estate is marketed. Hence, we have dedicated a significant part of your budget to marketing and advertising nationwide via the internet. How significant? Our listings will appear on every major network, including Zillow,, Our local Multiple listing Services (MLS) and hundreds of other websites operated by brokers and real estate agents. Please call us at (404) 200-4334 or fill in the form below.




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